Gamification in the Classroom
I was not able to determine, with significance, that gamification elements had an impact on student test scores. There were many observations however that led to other positives within the gamification classroom. Students were more motivated and engaged throughout the lessons and the teacher was able to take more of an observation role in the classroom and the students led many of the lessons and the pace of the activities.
Although the research allowed me to look closely at gamification in the classroom, there were some limitations. The largest being that this study was conducted in the summer during a STEAM camp and the numbers were small. I would like to take this research to the next level by trialing in during the school year, with more students, and for a longer period of time. Gamification can be a way to engage and motivate students in the classroom and I also hope to research those elements as well. Games and gamification elements can be beneficial in all aspects of the educational realm by impacting students test scores, motivation, and engagement.