BGSU Classroom Technology E-Mag Fall 2018 | Page 29


When I compared the final results of the two classes post test scores, there was a statistically significant impact of STEM instruction on student achievement. My data suggested that there was a positive impact on

the students who received STEM instruction in comparison to students who received traditional science instruction. The group that received STEM instruction had an average score of 88.4%, compared to the group that did traditional science instruction, which had an average score of 84.29%. While the percentage difference was not particularly large, it does show significance. I did also look at the growth

made by students from their pre to post test scores. Students who received STEM instruction had an average growth of 45.11%, compared to the group that did traditional science instruction, which had an average growth of 39.29%. There is a larger percentage difference when looking at growth of student learning, again, showing significance.

Future Impact

The impact of this research was meant to inform my own teaching practices. I do intend to continue to use STEM instruction in my classroom, but there is still much to be done. I would like to create a year-long

curriculum of STEM instruction to implement to assess student progress and achievement. This will allow myself the chance to compare student learning amongst multiple different learning units to assess how STEM instruction impacts overall student learning. I would also like to investigate how STEM instruction impacts student motivation by providing student perception surveys. It is important to take note of how students are engaged during unit activities because the more a student is engaged in their work, the more learning that

will take place. I strongly believe that I will continue to see positive results, and thus will be able to capture the motivation and engagement factors that STEM instruction possesses.
