Summer camps begin June 9, 2019
and run weekly for 10 weeks with the
last week beginning August 11, 2019.
Multiple week stays are recommended for optimal
training benefits.
• Come for a week, multiple-weeks or the entire summer
• Camp options include Core and Elite
• You can also pair your golf training with English classes
Sunday arrival; Saturday departure
Week 1: June 9-15
Week 2: June 16-22
Week 3: June 23-29
Week 4: June 30-July 6
Campers arrive Sundays and depart Saturdays.
Schedule Monday through Friday:
(boarding students only)
12:30 pm - 3:30 pm Golf Training (Technical, Mental, On-Course)
Week 6: July 14-20
Week 8: July 28-August 3
8:30 - 11:30 am Golf Training
11:30 am - 12:30 pm Lunch at Bishops Gate Golf Academy
Week 5: July 7-13
Week 7: July 21-27
8 - 8:30 am Breakfast at Bishops Gate Golf Academy
Week 9: August 4-10
Week 10: August 11-17
4:15 pm - 5 pm Fitness Training and Evening Activities
6 - 7 pm Dinner at BGGA (boarding students only)
7 - 10:30 pm Activities
10:30 - 11 pm Personal time
11 pm Lights Out
CAM P GUI D E 2019