BGGA Admissions Guide 2019 | Page 9

POWER OF PEERS Our most valuable asset is our peer group of students whom we believe are second to none. Our student-athletes share the common experience of sacrifice, in leaving home; courage in typically coming to a foreign country to study in a different language, and great ambition to become a professional golfer or at minimum to have a great college golf experience. Peer group interactions and school culture have consistently been named among the most influential factors on student learning. Further, a mounting body of evidence clearly indicates that students who receive programming focused on leadership, community and character academically outperform their peers, get better grades, and graduate at higher rates. BGGA has both a peer-mentoring/leadership model known as BGGA Ambassadors and a college athlete character program called HABITUDES. Through these programs that harness the power of peers, BGGA leverages the leadership potential of students critical to college and career success. Maintaining our student body at less than one hundred students preserves the intimacy and familiarity of this peer group. AD M I SSI O NS GUI D E 2019 9