B I S H O P S G AT E G O L F A C A D E M Y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The M.A.P. is based on Mastery, Autonomy and Purpose. M.A.P.
methodology is a culmination of seventy years of research into
human motivation and intrinsic drive. Ideas have emerged in
the field of psychology to increase and nurture internal drive
and motivation, and these break-through strategies are in many
ways contrary to the traditional education and teaching model.
BGGA has adopted these principles in our M.A.P. methodology
to develop a new generation of self-determined and authentic
young athletes.
Mastery: The highest level of skill and competence;
self-awareness; self-management; to be certain of self,
not circumstance.
Our goal is to develop “masters” … not dabblers. Mastery takes
hard work, practice, effort, and, most importantly, commitment
to the process of improvement.
Autonomy: Self-direction, the ability to make decisions, to
have freedom of self within boundaries and controls; to be
authentic. This is true autonomy.
In a society of constant multimedia messaging and instant
gratification, it is rare to find autonomy in our youth.
Autonomy, however, is a key attribute for success. We will
nurture and develop autonomy through the coaching of the
program to create habits that will sustain our athletes through
college and beyond.
“It is in our moments of decision that our
destiny is shaped.” Tony Robbins
Purpose: Reasons come first. Answers come second. Purpose
is the most important element of M.A.P. Methodology. This
is the “Why.” Find the why, the purpose, the reason and you
unlock potential. We are the WHY team, and that is because
uncovering a person’s reasons and motivations is key to being
their best. Without aligning values, it is impossible to achieve
our goals, and it is the internal conflicts that stop us from being
our best.