BGGA Admissions Guide 2018 | Page 20

B I S H O P S G AT E G O L F A C A D E M Y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COLLEGE PLANNING WE HE LP L AUNCH AWESOME 2017 COLLEG E CARE E RS 100% BGGA BY TH E N U M B E R S 25% F E MALE WE ARE GLOBAL COLLEG E PL ACE M E NT HISTORY OF SUCCESS 75% MALE STU DE NTS F ROM 27 64 135 COU NTR I E S WINS WE GET BUZZ! 13 TOP 3s TOP 10s STUDENTS HAD F IVE - S H OT I M P ROVE M E NT I N SCO R I N G AVE R AG E J U LIAN P E R I CO won South American Junior, professional event in Peru, IMG Academy Junior World Championship and finished 4th at Latin American Championship after leading the first round. AN NA CH E N won 10 events. WE INVEST IN OUR COMMUNIT Y 20 At BGGA we believe that the college process is one of the most important aspects of academy life and you cannot start the process early enough. The College Planning and Placement team works to find the best possible college fit for every student, based on their individual golf and academic levels. We want to ensure during their years at the Academy they have been adequately prepared and equipped to be eligible and accepted into the best college program for them. College coaches are attracted to our concept of creating independence through education. College coaches see a player to be more college ready after their experiences living and training on the BGGA campus.