As a freelance writer and photographer , Rob Newell has been reporting on fishing tournaments for more than 20 years , finding the stories between fish and angler to be a stretched line of triumph , heartache , torture and inspiration . five from five after five
Lessons learned from a front-row seat to the first five years of Bass Pro Tour competition
A fter covering the Bass Pro Tour for five years and watching some of the best bass pros in the world on the water from 50 feet away , I ’ ve learned a tremendous amount about the intricacies that set the top anglers apart . While many readers might be more interested in the “ secret baits ” of Dustin Connell , Dakota Ebare , Alton Jones Jr ., Michael Neal and Jacob Wheeler , I don ’ t believe that ’ s what has led to their consistent success . These days , there aren ’ t many secrets . Instead , I ’ ve observed five common denominators shared by these dominant pros . Some of the commonalities are habits , while others are products of the demeanor they display during competition . In a way , all five attributes are connected and feed each other , so I have listed them in no particular order . Here are my five from five after five .
efficiency with preparation
The top BPT pros spend an inordinate amount of time on research , equipment installation and tackle preparation . They ’ re obsessed with maximizing efficiency in the heat of battle , and these proactive measures help them do so .
Pros will spend five to six hours prepping tackle and organizing the boat before a tournament . Some will rig up 25 to 30 rods — respooling line , sharpening hooks , making sure all knots are snug and secure . Rigging the same lure on multiple rods is a common practice to ensure a backup is ready should a breakoff occur .
This same meticulousness can be seen throughout the boat . The bass boat is a pro ’ s office , and the best ones keep theirs in immaculate order . To save time , everything has a specific place — rods , lures , tackle boxes , tools and accessories .