with the bait and be mindful of what it ’ s doing at all times , especially around submerged brush . Otherwise , you might find yourself reaching for a lure knocker more often than preferred .
Final Thoughts
Building on success of the Tiny 4 , the Deep Tiny 7 is designed to get at those lunkers that might be hanging out a little farther down in the water column . Whether probing around rock , docks , gravel points , steep slopes , stump fields or submerged vegetation , this is a crankin ’ plug you should keep close .
As quality goes , you ’ ll be hard pressed to find a mass production balsa bait for probing the midrange window that
offers more in the way of top-notch components , premium finishes and fish-catching prowess than this one does . It comes with an affordable price point , too .
Performance Tips
> The bait will reach its maximum diving depth on 12-pound fluorocarbon . Switching to a heavier line , monofilament line or raising the rod tip angle in combination with a slower retrieve will shallow it up some . > It ' s generally a good idea to fish the OG Tiny Deep 7 on a reel with a slower gear ratio — something in the 5:1 or 6:1 range — especially in cold water , when bass are more lethargic and less willing to chase .
> Throw it on a medium-power rod with a forgiving tip to help prevent ripping the trebles free before the fish have a chance to eat it . A moderate tip will also load up on the backswing and help with castability . > The bait rises very slowly when idle . This helps it stay down in the strike zone well enough that forward-facing sonar junkies can use it to finesse suspended bass . |
> Works year-round , but shines brightest in late fall , winter and early spring when water temperatures are cool > Around rock > Around stumps > Around docks > Submerged grass > Suspended bass
HITS + Balsa body + Circuit board bill + Realistic color patterns + Premium hooks , split rings + Silent + Traverses cover well + Finesse-like swagger + Tracks true + Shad profile
Dives : 7 feet ( on 12-pound fluorocarbon ) Length : 2 1 / 4 inches Weight : 5 / 16 ounce Construction : Premium balsa with circuit board bill Action : Tight wiggle / finesse Hooks : No . 5 VMC Black Nickel 1X
Hybrid Short Shank Colors : 19 Rattles : No MSRP : $ 11.59 Contact : rapala . com n