BFM_AugSept_2023 | Page 60


September is prime time to fish Lake Roosevelt in Arizona ( despite the heat ), according to Bass Pro Tour pro Josh Bertrand . sturgeon bay , Wisconsin

Tucked into the southeast corner of Green Bay , Sturgeon Bay has been one of the best smallmouth fisheries in the country for years . While made popular by springtime tournaments like the Sturgeon Bay Open , which kicks out massive bags of smallmouth every year , this fishery is excellent any time it ’ s not covered in winter ice .
During the 2020 Bass Pro Tour season finale on Sturgeon Bay , Justin Lucas caught fire on the final day with 38 smallmouth for 110-05 . That event was a summertime affair , but the bass bite even better when the weather starts to cool in September . Expect standard smallmouth techniques like drop-shots and Ned rigs to be top producers here .
Sturgeon Bay ’ s prolific smallmouth fishery doesn ’ t dwindle at all in late summer .

lake roosevelt , Arizona

It would be easy to assume that a reservoir located in the hottest state in America would be a dicey bet in September , but 20,000-acre Lake Roosevelt in central Arizona is an interesting exception to the rule . Like many lakes in the West , Roosevelt escapes the hardcore early-fall turnover that stymies the bite in other regions of the country , and September represents the start of a threemonth-long topwater bite that goes almost around the clock .
“ As soon as the water temperature starts to go down even just a degree or two , you can catch fish on topwater all day long ,” says MLF pro Josh Bertrand , who grew up fishing Roosevelt and guides there in the off-season . “ You can stay out on the main lake , which has steeper drop-offs and clearer water , and throw walking baits to try to call fish up from the deeper cover . Or if you want to get gnarly and aren ’ t afraid of scratching your boat , you can get as far up the creeks and rivers as possible to find less pressured fish – that ’ s more of a buzzbait and frog deal .”
Roosevelt is also on the short list of lakes where anglers can find a dragonfly bite in the fall , starting in September : “ Any day it ’ s not super windy and fish can see well , you ’ ll see bass coming up and doing a somersault to eat a dragonfly buzzing along a foot above the surface . You can almost always catch those fish on a buzzbait . It ’ s a pretty cool deal .”

lake oroville , California

After a long literal dry spell caused by a multi-year drought , Lake Oroville is back to full pool . The fishing has improved tremendously since rains renewed the water levels at this Northern California lake . Often overshadowed by Lake Shasta , Lake Oroville is teeming with spotted bass . The early fall can produce some great topwater fishing for spots feeding on a baitfish population that has gotten bigger over the years . Largemouth stocking efforts from a decade ago are also paying dividends , with more big Florida-strain largemouth showing up , often mixed in with the spotted bass .

the finger lakes , New York

It ’ s hard to pick just one of the 11 Finger Lakes in western New York . They all have similarities but can fish differently based on the conditions and current fishing quality . The region is beautiful , and picking any of these lakes in September will likely lead to a great day on the water in excellent weather . Cayuga gets the most attention and tournament pressure , but other well-known producers include Seneca , Keuka , Skaneateles , Owasco and Otisco .

smith mountain lake , Virginia

Late summer and early fall in Virginia can be brutally hot and humid , but Smith Mountain still manages to produce . Fish school up , and topwater fishing will be your best bet to stay on the action . While the fishing can be hit-or-miss across the field in some local events , Smith Mountain kicks out solid fish in late summer / early fall , as evidenced by the 2022 Bass Pro Shops / Cabela ’ s Big Bass Tour September event that saw two bass over 8 pounds weighed in and most of the hourly prizes claimed by fish over 6 pounds .