Be.You.Tiful March 2013 | Page 2

Society Views on Women

Unfortunately because this has been going on for many years, many women have lost hope and have just accepted the fact that men will always be on top. However this doesn't have to be true.

Women can be just as strong and independent as men. They can work, support themselves and have the exact same authority as any male figure. They can support their family, complete any task that is given to them and they can even fight in the war. They can be just as active and be very caring at the same time.

Point being women don't need a man in their lives in order to feel complete. Yes, it feels nice to have someone their but it isn't something that is needed to stay alive. They have the power and the mentality to do whatever comes to their mind and no one can tell the otherwise.

When it comes to society and women a lot of people think that women need a man in order to be good. However, any women has the ability to live happy and be independent.

According to some customs, men are the ones that should work and make the money while the women stay home to clean and take care of the kids. In some places the woman can't say anything without permission from the man that they are with. Why this came to be has many people wondering for a while now. To many people a man is always stronger than a woman no matter what. Because of this idea that they have, they also believe that strength comes with power so the man always has more power and will always have more authority than the "weaker" one.