BeYOUtiful 1 | Page 18


Proper health begins with a nutritious, well-balanced diet, along with physical activity and refraining from smoking. Healthy eating includes consuming high-quality proteins, carbohydrates, heart-healthy fats, vitamins, minerals and water in the foods you take in while minimizing processed foods, saturated fats and alcohol. Eating helps you maintain your body’s everyday energy and movement, promote optimal body weight and can take a big part in disease prevention.

Nutrients in the foods you eat support the activities of day-to-day living, they also protect cells from environmental damage and repair any cellular damage that might occur. Protein rebuilds injured tissue and promotes a healthy immune system. Both carbohydrates and fats fuel your body, while vitamins and minerals function throughout your body. Certain vitamins act as antioxidants to protect your cells against toxins, and other vitamins help you extract energy from the foods you eat. Calcium and phosphorus keep your bones strong, while sodium and potassium help to transmit nerve signals. Without a healthy diet, you might be lacking in these nutrients which can negatively affect you and your body.

In addition to the quality of the food you’re eating, the quantity matters as well. Consuming the same number of calories as you burn ensures your weight remains steady over time. Consuming more than you burn, results in weight gain as your body converts extra calories to fat tissue. When you gain more fat tissue, you increase your chance of developing one or more health problems. A healthy meal plan without too much calories helps you not only feel better but can prolong your life.

Too much or too little of certain nutrients can also contribute to health issues. For instance, a lack of calcium in your diet can predispose you to developing osteoporosis, or weakening of your bones, while too much saturated fat can cause cardiovascular disease, and too few fruits and vegetables in your nutrition plan is associated with an increased incidence of cancer. Consuming foods from a wide variety of sources helps ensure your body has the nutrients it needs to avoid these health problems.