Beyond the Surface 1st ed | Page 7

Consisting of a vast pool of talent , including interior designers , architects , product designers , bloggers , and influencers , this advisory panel brings a personal lens to the table for an in-depth discussion uncovering the human element behind design trends . Beyond just hot colors and popular materials , the panel digs into how cultural movements and social fads impact design from a practical and emotional standpoint , exploring broad-ranging themes like how changes in family composition and dynamics influence home layouts and flow . The discussion brings about some great insights and ideas informed by years of experience , intuition , passion , and vision .
Discover what this group of talented designers , content creators , and lifestyle experts reveal about how culture and design trends are shaping how we create the environments where we live , work , and play .
Camille Styles
Influencer & Blogger Malibu , CA & Austin , TX
Joy Green
Influencer Houston , TX
Matthew Quinn
Kitchen & Bath Designer Atlanta , GA
Vanessa Fong
Architect & Interior Designer Toronto
“ I ’ m guided by the things I personally love . I ’ m always looking for designs that evoke an emotion and want things in my house to make me feel something .”
“ Find a little bit of joy and sparkle in every day . Find that little light in everything , no matter what you ’ re going through .”
“ A better and more layered project is one where everyone — architect , interior designer , kitchen designer , builder , landscape designer , lighting designer , etc .— brings their expertise to the table to work together in collaboration .”
“ How we live , how we congregate , that moment of coming home — capturing that moment of releasing — is primal in how we design homes .”
Caesarstone 7