Beyond the Surface 1st ed | Page 5

Color is a Power Which Directly Influences the Soul 08
The Era of AI 16
How Not to be Trendy 22
Design for Good 27 Sustainability : it ’ s no longer an option
Cultural Impacts on Design 32 Inspiration comes from anywhere — and everywhere
How to Get Started 38 Practical tips , tricks , and advice

Color is a Power Which Directly Influences the Soul 08

Color is more than meets the eye

The Era of AI 16

The up- and down-sides of technology on design

How Not to be Trendy 22

How to stay true and timeless through any era

Design for Good 27 Sustainability : it ’ s no longer an option

Cultural Impacts on Design 32 Inspiration comes from anywhere — and everywhere

How to Get Started 38 Practical tips , tricks , and advice

Caesarstone 5