Beyond the Surface 1st ed | Page 39

The Era of AI
Marti uses cuisine to inspire this design of IQ FOOD CO in Yorkdale Mall , Toronto .
There can be too much of a good thing . Inspiration overload can lead to unoriginality , leading clients to be stuck in a sea of sameness . On the flip side , with AI putting virtually endless choices at our fingertips , it can result in decision-making paralysis . It ’ s like browsing a popular streaming service : choosing the best TV series feels overwhelming when we have hundreds of options .
In the real world , designers know how to inspire decision-making through carefully curated selections . Marti believes this is the greatest value professionals provide over AI — the knowledge to guide design in the right direction . In her commercial projects , like hotels and restaurants , clients often don ’ t know what they want , and they look to Marti for creative leadership . Human insight allows her to use context to draw inspiration , for example , using a restaurant ’ s cuisine to evoke unique ideas for that space .
Why the human touch wins
Ultimately , AI can be a great tool for inspiration , immersion , and creative exploration , but it doesn ’ t replicate the knowledge and experience a professional brings to the table . As Kickie says , “ Designers remain the curators .” AI simply can ’ t ask the right questions or provide the same level of guidance .
Each designer has their own process . At Mason Studio , Marti puts people at the center of all decision-making . The process starts with finding a “ muse ”— a person or community who inspires the product . This muse is often a user of the space and someone directly impacted by the project . This helps the design team always remember who they are designing for . At the end of a project , Marti reflects on the muse and evaluates the project ’ s success on how well the project helps enhance their experience .
As for Matthew , he describes his own method : during consultations , he listens
closely for keywords as clients share their vision , like , “ light ”, “ casual ”, or “ organic ”. He makes note of how many times the client repeats those words . Those adjectives then inform his designs ; clients are often blown away that he recognized their tastes and created concepts unique to them . Elevating the human touch further , Matthew encourages his clients to incorporate at least one handmade artisan piece into a space .
Can AI follow a scientific process and track commonly used words ? Of course . But would it know what to do with that information ? Would it be able to truly listen and read between the lines ? At this point , no .
There are some qualities only human beings can provide . In artistic endeavors , like design , professionals bring unrivaled insight . AI may be helpful in certain situations , but only as a resource — not a comprehensive creative solution .
20 Caesarstone