Beyond the Surface 1st ed | Page 34

“ Sometimes AI can paint an unreliable picture of what is practical — or even possible .”
The Era of AI

“ Sometimes AI can paint an unreliable picture of what is practical — or even possible .”

This AI-generated design can set unrealistic expectations .
Putting AI to good use
At the end of the day , the panelists agree that AI is here to stay , so we may as well harness it to elevate our work . Of course , this doesn ’ t mean embracing intelligent technology blindly . AI can be a helpful tool for inspiration and efficiency , but it often fails to consider what ’ s practical and feasible . Only professionals ( who know how to ask the right questions and fully understand their clients ) can transform ideas into realities . For this reason , it ’ s vital to assess AI from every angle before embracing it whole-heartedly .
The upsides of AI
In this age , AI ’ s potential feels unstoppable . But what value does it bring to design ?
We all know that technology can streamline certain processes . Joy likens AI in design to a beauty salon experience : you can simply describe a hairstyle , or you can show the stylist exactly what you want .
Brian experienced this firsthand with a client who had an abundance of ideas that were quite challenging to pull together into a cohesive design . Utilizing AI as a tool , he inputted the various styles and colors until he found a focused , viable option that matched the client ’ s vision . In instances like this , AI can be used to facilitate the creative process and ensure the client and the creator are on the same page .
Design choices can last for years — even decades . So , it ’ s important to bridge the gap between concept and completion in a way that instills confidence .
Finding ways to bring ideas to life and test their feasibility is difficult , but AI offers an opportunity to do just that — in a low-risk setting . Matthew ’ s studio already leverages this AI benefit . Since budget isn ’ t a concern for his clients , Matthew ’ s greatest challenge is pushing the envelope and creating something entirely fresh . He presents ideas by projecting envisioned designs on all four walls of an “ immersion room ”. Clients get to exist in the space and walk through it — allowing them to make future-proof decisions .
Matthew ’ s clients can experience a virtual or real walkthrough design before it ’ s brought to reality .
18 Caesarstone