Beyond the Surface 1st ed | Page 26

Color is a Power

“ Unearth the colors of your life .”

Love the color you live in
A lot of design trend reports focus on the color of the year — the very antithesis of timeless . The Caesarstone Circle believes it should go deeper than that : color is a profoundly personal experience , and you should embrace the tones that create Kandinsky ’ s “ inner resonance ” within you .
You should feel encouraged to break free from short-lived trends and unearth the colors of your life , taking inspiration from the shades that innately speak to you and ground you . Your own personal “ color of the year ” never goes out of style .
Where to begin
Not sure which colors speak to you ? Matthew says , “ Start in your closet for inspiration .” How we choose to adorn ourselves often reflects the colors and materials that evoke our individuality . Brian has lots of neutrals in his closet , organized from dark to light , cool to warm . For Camille , feeling like herself is all about classic , timeless pieces — items she ’ ll want to wear forever .
But don ’ t stop there . There ’ s a world of inspiration all around you . What kind of art moves you ? What ’ s your favorite hotel or restaurant ? What kind of car do you drive ? The secret to your design aesthetic and style can lie hidden in plain sight .
Pro Tips
First things first : space planning should come before materials and color .
Used together , color psychology and personal expression are your ultimate guides .
If torn between “ safe ” and “ risky ”, remember smaller elements are a great way to enliven a neutral , organic backdrop .
When choosing colors and finishes , understand the natural and artificial light patterns in the space at different times of the day .
Layer neutrals — playing with warm and cool and dark and light — to add balance or dynamic excitement .
Find your color and style in unconventional places .
And , most of all , forget trends and stay true to inner resonance .
Survey Says …
Take the Kandinsky Form and Color exercise to see if the master can read your mind ! 14 Caesarstone