Beyond the Surface 1st ed | Page 22

“ Everything
Color is a Power
Inspired by the natural world
Another source of inspiration when envisioning your perfect space can be simply the world around you . As human beings , we ’ re innately connected to nature . Crystalline oceans , lush forestry , rolling meadows — each scene becomes an emotive experience able to be recreated through design .
As Vanessa says , “ We gravitate towards organic colors and textures because , at the end of the day , we ’ re primal .” Knowing this , Caesarstone draws from nature ’ s palette , finding inspiration in the patterns of weather , the passage of time , and the transformative power of natural elements . Just as water shapes river stones and time enriches hues , Caesarstone offerings incorporate nature into each space to echo authentic beauty .
As someone who likes to infuse the natural landscape into his ideas , Brian prefers Caesarstone ’ s earth tones because they have movement but aren ’ t overwhelming ( which can date itself quickly ) although he ’ s quick to remind us that it doesn ’ t have to be boring . Layering warm and cool neutrals creates balance , while contrasting dark and light adds excitement to make the results more dynamic .
Designing with the senses
Color moves beyond the visual to the emotional . It ’ s wholly immersive . When designing a space , asking “ What color can this surface be ?” isn ’ t enough . Instead , consider how each choice resonates with you as a living , breathing human being .
“ Everything connects back to the five senses ,” Vanessa explains . What is the thermal comfort of the room ? What textures do you see in the space ? You must first understand the proportions of the room and then find balance between the texture and color of materials . A tactile , more organic surface invites the sense of touch to kindle a tangible experience , while a shiny , reflective surface can feel cold and trigger a sense of distant fragility .
Equally important when choosing colors , Kickie says , is a room ’ s amount of natural light around the calendar year . Lighting factors provide context to make a space feel more dark or cold , warm or bright — which changes with the seasons . Surfaces can come alive , reflecting light differently when bathed in light versus when cloaked in shadow . Simply put , the same colors can provide different experiences when paired to the natural world .
Natural tones don ’ t exist in opposition to your individuality ; they can work in harmony , like in nature itself . As Camille points out , design can be vivid but still organic — like the color of a sunrise .

“ Everything

Kickie ’ s Insectum Installation at Alcova in Milan plays with light and geometry to represent the insect world .
12 Caesarstone