Beyond the Surface 1st ed | Page 18

“ Punchier colors elicit bolder emotions and personality .”
Color is a Power

“ Punchier colors elicit bolder emotions and personality .”

Evoking emotion through color
Caesarstone ’ s panelists know from their own designs and creations that color does evoke emotion . This is clear anytime you walk into a new space . While neutral and earth tones bring a sense of serenity , darker and punchier colors elicit bolder emotions and personality .
But how can we put these experiences into practice in our homes and design spaces ? Because color influences emotion , we must consider the purpose behind every room . For example , entertainment areas are meant to stimulate happiness and warmth , so reds , oranges , and yellows can be ideal . On the other hand , private spaces like bedrooms and bathrooms may be well-suited for calming hues like blues and greens ( or the “ bleens ” in between ).
Color psychology is an excellent foundation for design , but so are lived experiences . As you ’ ll see from our panelist ’ s insight , a palette isn ’ t a prison — it ’ s a starting point .
10 Caesarstone