Beyond the Surface 1st ed | Page 11

Get to know the

Caesarstone Circle Advisory Panel

For the first time , Caesarstone has brought together seven industry specialists from various backgrounds and locales in North America to form an original and unique panel of professionals called the Caesarstone Circle .
Brian Brown
Interior Designer San Diego , CA
“ My design philosophy is laidback and minimal with little ornamentation , basing on the horizon line of the beach and pulling colors and forms to reflect the Southern California landscape .”
Kickie Chudikova
Product & Furniture Designer New York , NY
“ For me , it ’ s all about how to bring sculptural forms into everyday life . Color has a strong presence in my work . It adds a little joy into everyday life .”
Marti Gallucci
Design Director Toronto
“ At the end of the day , we really just want to create a sense of belonging and we use design as a tool to achieve that .”
6 Caesarstone