Beyond the Clouds by Fr. Jacob Nampudakam, S.A.C. | Page 96

Secondly, it is our attitude or inner disposition towards the tasks entrusted to us, rather than its demand, that takes away our energy. It is not the size of the assignment, but our mindset towards it. For example, we come across people who have a tremendous capacity to manage so many different responsibilities simultaneously. They pursue and accomplish them all without great strain or worry. Then, we may also come across people who find it hard when two or three duties are given to them. It is true that all of us feel a certain amount of tension when faced with very challenging tasks. But we are not crushed by them. In a proper growth process, we will learn to manage the daily activities without undue tension. This is considered one of the signs of healthy, mature self-development. As St. Pope John XXIII said, “we are like wine- some turn to vinegar, but the best improve with age!” Nevertheless, one of the principle reasons for our stress and tension is the fear of failure, and the consequences associated with it. Will I succeed? What will others say? For a person lacking self-confidence and adequate preparation to meet the challenges, there can be too many inner struggles that will begin to eat away his energy before the work is even started. Therefore, let’s look again to St. John XXIII, who tells us, “Consult not your fears, but your hopes and dreams. Think not about our frustrations, but about your unfulfilled potential. Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in, but with what is still possible for you to do.” The third and most important motive is our faith in the Supreme Control tower; the Lord of the Universe. Some may not believe in Him, that is their choice and we need to respect that. But my own choice is to believe and trust in this Supreme Being who is my Creator, my loving Father and my Saviour. He is the Alpha and the Omega! On the internet there is a program to find the paths of planes flying around the world. We need only to look at the sky above an airport like London to 96