Beyond the Clouds by Fr. Jacob Nampudakam, S.A.C. | Page 35

Though individually we may not be able to blame anybody in particular, why do certain countries and systems continue to exploit the poor, to fill up their treasuries? And yet the discontentment with the abundance that they have! It is this experience that made me coin the phrase explaining my mission: "Make a child smile again"! Those children had no smile on their face anymore! Yet a few biscuits would have made them smile again. They do not need great gifts, but very small gifts. Above all, a drop of HUMANITY. Again recalling the great Pope of Peace, Pius XII, “mankind owes that vow to the innumerable sorrowing host of mothers, widows and orphans who have seen the light, the solace and the support of their lives wrenched from them… Mankind owes that vow to the flood of tears and bitterness, to the accumulation of sorrow and suffering,” among the innocent people born in a world that denounces the downtrodden. As I write these lines, it is almost midnight; yet I knew I must write them today to express my convictions from earlier this morning. During the General Council meeting, there was- once again- the discussion about the meaning of the word "mission". Should it be "mission ad gentes" or"apostolate”? What is our charismatic identity? 35