Beyond MAY 2017 Issue - The Power Of Foods BEYOND_ThePowerOfFood issue_050417 | Página 3

CONTENT 8 Supplement of the month: FX4: Foundation Bone Bone health is much more than just calcium. Learn about our comprehensive bone support Fx4: Foundation Bone and how it works to build and maintain bone health. 11 Why and How to Get More Collagen Into Your Diet By Marian Mitchell Collagen has various health benefits. Why do we need to incorporate more collagen into our diet and what are the benefits? Marian Mitchell, a holistic health coach, discusses how to increase it to reap the skin, hair, healing, and health benefits of this super nutrient. 4 The Power of Foods From the Desk of Dr. Meaghan Kirschling 5 Podcast of the Month Check out some of our favorite BTBHA podcasts that deal with the topic of food. Check out more at 6 Food Cravings and Addiction Did you know that food cravings cause most of our hunger? Our food addiction might be more than just weakness. Learn how food can have different effects on the brain. We also discuss how food industries want us to become addicted to their food and what we can do to overcome these effects. 14 Powerful Foods that can Naturally Detox Your Body By Angela Berry Detoxification is such an important component of health. Angela Berry writes about how we can use food every day to help naturally cleanse our bodies. Sides of Vaccination 18 Both Last month Ty Bollinger put together a comprehensive look at vaccinations called The Truth about Vaccines. Want to find out more about this series, go to page 19. Low Down on Vitamin D 21 The Let’s take a closer look at why Vitamin D is so important.