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n this issue of Beyond Compare, you will read stories on life-altering plastic surgeries and the effects the media has on a women's body and mind . It is important that you realize unrealistic expectations you may have for yourself. The US National Library of Medicine defines unrealistic expectations as, "impossible selfchange goals leading to eventual failure and distress". (1) You will also be able to read different facts and statistics on plastic surgery.

This month's cover is an oscar winning actress, Jenner Lawerence. She is an adovocate for natural beauty in Hollywood and maintains to be a role model for young women.

Everyone at Beyond Compare, along with myself, would like to thank you for reading and purchasing this month's issue. We strive to promote positive self-image for women (and men) and keep our content true and honest for our readers. We argue that young girls should not strive for perfection based on what they see in the media because it may affect them both physically and mentally.

Editor and Chief

Amanda Jackson