beyond architecture magazine | Page 9

t Page | 7 BERNARD TSCHUMI 1944-… Bernard Tschumi was born in 1944 and he is an architect, writer, and educator, mostly associated with deconstruction movement in architecture. Son of the well-known architect Jean Tschumi, born of French and Swiss parentage, he works and lives in New York City and Paris. He studied in Paris and at ETH in Zurich, where he received his degree in architecture in 1969. He does not believe in a building-user relationship in his designs, once saying "Any relationship between a building and its users is one of violence, for any use means the intrusion of a human body into a given space, the intrusion of one order into another." Tschumi in Architecture and Disjunction (2001, p. 122). _________________________ Tschumi, Bernard, Architecture and Disjunction. (Cambridge, MIT Press, 1994). Throughout his career as an architect, theorist, and academic, Bernard Tschumi's work has reevaluated architecture's role in the practice of personal and political freedom. Since the 1970s, Tschumi has argued that there is no fixed relationship between architectural form and the events that take place within it. The ethical and political imperatives that inform his work emphasize the establishment of a proactive architecture which nonhierarchically engages balances of power through programmatic and spatial devices. In Tschumi's theory, architecture's role is not to express an extant social structure, but to function as a tool for questioning that structure and revising it. BEYOND ARCHITECTURE | SUMMER 2015 | ISSUE 1