beyond architecture magazine | Page 24

k Page | 22 REM KOOLHAAS Life in the Metropolis In addition, in the text, he mentions about elevators a lot and in 1909, The first elevator was founded by Otis and he showed people how to use it. Therefore, the first theorem came up about the initial skyscraper idea. Industrialization played a big role to let the people build the taller buildings. Theodore came up with the first idea of mixed-use buildings with different functions up to 100 storeys. They seem it as the accumulation of the privacies. It is said that the idea of recreation evolved with skyscraper and everyone became to have a chance to buy his/her privacy; they were feeling safe only in residential parts, but in this way they can feel secure also in public areas as we also understand from the case of Downtown Athletic Club. __________________________ Koolhaas, Rem. ‘’Life in the Metropolis’’ or ‘The Culture of Congestion’’, pp. 320-331, in K. Michael Hays (ed.) Architecture Theory Since 1968 (Cambridge Mass: The MIT Press, 1998) However, skyscrapers create paradoxes. When you build a skyscraper, you feel closer to the sun and sky, however, you are getting far away from the ground. Therefore, place attachment is getting hard in an urban condition and the neighbor relationships change; you become isolated from your environment. The other discussion was about Radio City Music Hall and he gives it as an example to these results of evolution of metropolitan lives. In Radio City Music Hall, the external look contrasts with the interior condition. They try to make people perceive the artificial sunset; they simulate the natural environment. They also use laughing gases to dominate also the senses of the audience. At the end, Rem Koolhaas suggests a metaphorical planning called as Uncity like a plug-in city which is consisted of different layers of urban ecology. There are again blocks which was thrown up with the grid system of modernism showing the pieces from different architects together. There is also a metaphorical conception of caption of the globe in the middle; “The City of The Captive Globe”. BEYOND ARCHITECTURE | SUMMER 2015 | ISSUE 1