beyond architecture magazine | Page 2

BEYOND ARCHITECTURE MAGAZINE BY OHO SPRING 2015 ISSUE 1 Publisher______________________ OHO Architecture Ltd. Şti. OHO Editorial Team______________ Gözde Damla TURHAN Mehmet Sadık AKSU Translation and re-write___________ Gözde Damla TURHAN Photo Editors____________________ Gözde Damla TURHAN Art direction and design____________ OHO Architecture Cover and inside front cover design___ OHO Architecture Website______________________ E-mail________________________ [email protected] Print run________________________ 1000 copies ISSN: 1992-2610 The views expressed in articles appearing in Beyond Architecture are those of the authors and not necessarily shared by the Publisher. 2015 OHO Architecture. OHO and OHO logo are registered trademarks used under licence by the OHO Architecture.