Bethlehem Connect September 2017 | Page 3

4 Reasons to Make a Commitment to the 3-year $3M Opening New Doors Mission Appeal 1. Just as you don’t make it anyone else’s responsibility to pay your mortgage on your home or rent on your apartment, contributing to the mission appeal makes clear your decision to take personal responsibility for the well-being of your church home as well. 2. As is true with the components that make up our homes, things like roofs, mortar, flashing, carpeting, and the like all have a shelf life, which is to say that when they wear out, there are truly no good options other than to pay whatever it costs to replace them. Our acting to do so reflects both our gratitude for people having done their part to pass on the building in good shape, as well as embracing what needs to be done during our watch. 3. Pastor Meta Carlson is being compensated through the mission appe al (as was Pastor Ben a few years back in a prior appeal). We would like to believe all the support she has received from her first day translates to generous financial support from every single member of the congregation. 4. Bethlehem’s outreach footprint is large and growing larger through this appeal. If we reach our lofty goal, nearly half a million dollars of additional outreach will favorably change the lives of countless people through our support of Beacon Interfaith Housing locally, and Lutheran Partners in Global Ministry and Global Health Ministries internationally. Questions about the appeal? Please contact Pastor Bob Wertz, bwertz@ or 612.312.3368. YOUR GIVING MAKES A DIFFERENCE by Pastor Bob Wertz, Pastor of Stewardship and Planned Giving As gifts and commitments from our members to the Opening New Doors mission appeal continue to be received (THANK YOU!) and resources from our loan from the Mission Investment Fund of the ELCA are about to be accessed, behind the scenes work by the Facilities Task Force and our owner’s representative, Watershed Partners, proceeds at a healthy pace. Recent developments include: Minneapolis Campus • • • • Actual costs for completion of the roof, tuckpointing, masonry, etc. will be lower than initial estimates. Current forecast is just under $3M, which includes a $370,000 contingency. With Watson-Forsberg as our general contractor, a handful of key sub- contractors have been awarded contracts. Detailed schedule expected by end of August. Langemo Lounge renovation completion expected by end of September. Choir room task force refining plans for renovation in summer of 2018. Minnetonka Campus: • • • The Sanctuary air conditioning installation is now complete. Offices, bathrooms, Friendship Hall, and the main hallway received fresh paint in July. Carpet installation began August 21 and new office furniture arrives by Celebration Sunday, September 10. Open House - Minnetonka Campus Additional remediation roof work near the Sanctuary Wednesday, Sept. 13, 11 am-1 pm skylights has been authorized. Water damage is being addressed You are invited to an Open House at the in portions of the building and Minnetonka campus office on Wednesday, air quality testing has shown September 13, 11 am-1 pm. We're excited great improvement. These that the office has been reconfigured with promised "must-do" items, some new furniture and more flexible totalling just under $250,000, work stations. Please stop by for coffee will enhance the condition and treats and check out the refreshed of the building in terms of water-tightness and the overall space. hospitality of the current space. The Facilities Task Force continues conversation about the best long-term solution for the nearly 5-acre property at Minnetonka. Estimates for major renovations to the fellowship and education spaces on the current site are almost identical to the cost of a complete rebuild on the east lawn of the property. A rebuild on this higher ground would open new possibilities for the stewardship of the rest of the property. This task force is in preliminary conversation with Beacon Interfaith Housing Collaborative (our partner through Families Moving Forward) about the process for establishing an affordable housing option on the property. We estimate the timeline for these options to be 5+ years thanks to the capital necessary for major construction and time it takes to navigate the affordable housing process. Thanks to members of the Facilities Task Force for their diligent listening, learning, and discernment about our short and long-term opportunities for cultivating hospitality and growth at the Minnetonka campus. Please direct questions about any of these items to the members of the Facilities Task Force: Paul Steen, Iver Iverson, Sandy Whisler, Matt Haakenstad, Pastor Ben Cieslik, Pastor Meta Carlson, Pastor Bob Wertz. 3