Care Ministries
Spiritual Direction, or Spiritual Companioning, is a process of
recognizing and listening to the movements of the sacred in your life.
It can help you discover how the divine is present in your life, explore
the direction of your life in relation to the divine, and learn methods
of prayer, meditation, and mindfulness. Spiritual companioning can
help you discover how the divine is present in your life, explore the
direction of your life in relation to the divine, and learn methods of
prayer, meditation, and mindfulness. Come learn and explore different forms of prayer, meditation, and
mindfulness exercises from Rev. Catherine Duncan. Explore how God is present and moving in your life
by attending as many sessions as you would like and are able. Sessions are Thursdays, Nov. 2, 9, 16, 30 and
Dec. 7, 3:30-5:00 pm and are $30 per session. Please register in advance.