Bethlehem Connect May 2017 | Page 8

Care Ministries Daily Dozen for Mood Boosting We live in a busy time of constant change, stress and demands. For the average person, it’s common to experience short periods of mild depression. Your steep mood slump may be due to financial worries, pressure at work, relationship woes or perhaps a reason you may not even be able to pinpoint. Whatever the cause, the effects of said mood slump could not be less welcome. If symptoms such as mood changes, sleep disturbance or trouble concentrating persist for more than two weeks, it is time to seek medical advice. No matter what your mood, here are a few natural mood boosters that are great for overall wellness. NUTRITION May is Mental Health Awareness Month-- Watch for more mood boosters and mental health resources on Sundays, May 7 and 21 at the Minneapolis campus in the Gallery and weekly at the Minnetonka campus in Friendship Hall. 1. Cut caffeine (coffee, sodas, energy drinks). The adrenaline from caffeine will effect your moods. If you're stressed or feeling low, this can have drastic effects. 2. Cut processed and packaged foods. They are inflammatory in the body, which will inevitably have a negative effect on your moods, not to mention some devastating long-term health effects. 3. Cut artificial sweeteners. Evidence shows that aspartame is linked to mood disorders. 4. Add a portion of protein, good fats, and complex carbohydrates to your plate. These macronutrients help to keep our blood sugar levels stable. When our blood sugar levels drop, so does our mood! Good fats and complex carbs also help to make hormones and neurotransmitters in the body that help make you feel good- serotonin! 5. Reduce alcohol intake. Alcohol is associated with mood disorders. Oh yes it is! LIFESTYLE 6. Exercise is a natural mood lifter! Move your body in your favorite ways several times a day. Walk whenever you can. The Bethlehem Remembrance Ministry, (formerly known as Grief Ministry), sends notes and cards to those in our church community who have experienced the death of a loved one. In addition to sending cards, the ministry team hosts special events throughout the year: a coffee/light lunch gathering for those who are grieving and an event with a keynote speaker in early November. More team members are always welcome for this important caregiving ministry. If you are interested in joining Bethlehem's Remembrance Ministry or would like more information, please contact Arnold Krueger [email protected] or 952.303.1685. 8 7. Schedule some downtime. When we're stressed and overwhelmed, our moods tend to be low. Dedicate a few minutes a day to quiet time in meditation, prayer, and focused breathing. 8. Sleep 8 hours. Sleep = repair. When we feel rested, we're happier people. 9. Get some energy work such as Healing Touch™ which is deeply relaxing; Acupuncture can be used to treat mood disorder. Both approaches are excellent for pain which, of course, affects mood. 10. Forgive. It's not for the other person, forgiveness will benefit YOU! 11. Gratitude. Write down 5 things you're grateful for everyday. When we remember what we DO have rather than what we don’t have, we instantly feel better. 12. Laugh more! Yes, there is science behind this. Laughing is the easiest way to feel good.