Bethlehem Connect April 2018 | Page 3

Council Notes by Dave Raymond The February council meeting was the first meeting in two and a half years where we weren’t reacting to transitions and the consolidation. This allowed us to pay more attention to the big picture than we could before. We started with a recap of Carver Policy Governance®, a method that the Council has used for years to keep our focus on the big picture instead of micro management. Under policy governance the job of the council is to set the vision and direction, delegate execution to the lead pastors, and monitor progress to assure accountability. We welcomed our new president-elect, Lisa Hedden and new council member Kate Mortenson. Our guest was Ellie Roscher, Bethlehem’s Director of Youth and Story Development, who told us how increasing numbers of young adults are engaging with Bethlehem at both campuses. The numbers aren’t huge, but they are noticeably higher than recent years with a lot more involvement. Young adults are mentoring confirmation students, accompanying youth on mission trips, meeting informally, participating in worship, serving in leadership positions and, thanks to Nels Thompson, leading the Lutefisk Dinner. Augsburg University’s Riverside Innovation Hub is studying young adult involvement at Bethlehem and several other churches. Bethlehem may be more engaged with the Innovation Hub in the future. Ben led conversation about how Bethlehem might respond to this largely organic movement and how we might resource it. He talked about how the congregation might relate to the reinvigorated Lutheran Campus Ministry at the University of Minnesota. At every meeting we receive pastor, staff and ministry reports and take time to break into small groups to pray for each other and for the ministry and mission of Bethlehem. YOUR GIVING MAKES A DIFFERENCE by Pastor Bob Wertz, Pastor of Stewardship and Planned Giving An i mportant milestone is just around the corner— the one year anniversary of Bethlehem’s $3M, three- year Opening New Doors mission appeal. Launched in mid-May 2017, this appeal addresses three critical ministry needs not funded through our annual budget: 1) essential building improvements and renovations at both Minneapolis and Minnetonka related to water infiltration as well as other key building upgrades; 2) financial support of Pastor Meta Carlson’s position; 3) support of three outreach ministries—Beacon Interfaith Collaborative Housing, Global Health Ministries, and Lutheran Partners in Global Ministries—in the amount of 15% of gifts received. We are pleased to announce that progress continues on both the gift-receiving side of the ledger as well as the work, and expenses incurred and paid for, to cover these three priorities! Some highlights of the congregation’s financial support and work over these last ten months: • As of mid-March, 272 individuals/families have contributed $680,868 to the appeal. • Two hundred and twenty-six individuals/families have pledged $1,418,535 to date. • In Minneapolis, roofers have worked continuously throughout the winter to install new slate and flashing (and insulation where needed). The south side of the 2001 addition was addressed first, and the northeast section is currently where work is being done. • With weather soon improving, our masonry subcontractor will be resuming work on a number of degraded areas where masonry, mortar, or caulking work is required. • With special above-and-beyond designated gifts to help offset costs, Langemo Lounge is 100% complete, as is the enhanced video and audio upgrade in the sanctuary. • In Minnetonka, carpeting, painting, office furniture, and air conditioning have vastly improved the hospitality quotient of the space, and all of the originally planned “must-do” items are completed. • Moving forward in Minnetonka, the Facilities Task Force is looking to upgrade the lighting in the near future in both the narthex and sanctuary, install ceiling tiles in the Activity Room to satisfy a code requirement, and patch the sanctuary roof. In Minneapolis, that same task force continues to monitor the pricing of the work in the choir room in light of the initial projected costs being considerably higher than anticipated. Alternative (less costly) renovations, as well as a later start time (summer of 2019) are being considered. Additionally, LED lighting fixtures and upgrades in the Minneapolis sanctuary are due to be installed in mid-to-late summer 2018. MANY thanks to all those who have already stepped up and made a gift and/or pledge to the appeal. Your generosity is what has fueled this effort to date! Our leadership team looks forward to making a special ask to those who have yet to make a gift or pledge to the appeal around the time of the anniversary of the appeal (May 15). Look for further details in the CONNECT newsletter, Livewire, and the mail in the near future! 3