Beta Know It Voume 2 | Issue 3 ~ Spring/Summer 2014 | Página 2

AA- BETA KNOW IT SUMMER 2016 The President’s corner Greetings Soros, What a wonderful start of 2014 that we have had! I have enjoyed all of you dearly and I can’t wait for our upcoming events. I have enjoyed seeing everyone participate in The March of Dimes and even the Aids Walk. These events are held all year but mostly in the beginning of the year. The Alpha Alpha Chapter will be out and about with our very own Adopt a Highway Program that we all participated in from April until present. I am also proud of all of our graduates of Spring/Summer of 2014!!! Biiiiiiiiiiiiiii Phiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. Every Soror has worked hard in educating themselves and even their children. I applaud you all. As we move forward in the Summer/Fall I want us to remember that it is Beta Phi Omega Sorority, Inc. Anniversary! Let us close our eyes for a moment. Let’s all think about our very first time when we applied for Beta. Let us all think about the first time we stretched our arms out to place it in our very own jacket/shirt! Do you remember the feeling? Do you remember the Enthusiasm and Dedication that you had for your organization? Open your eyes and let’s go out into the world with that drive again. Pride season is here now and we will have that spark, drive, and dedication to educate people about Beta. I have a special place in my heart for each and every one of my sisters. The Alpha Alpha Chapter as the drive to be the best! Do you believe it? Well, I do! I am so looking forward to our Sisterly Retreat in September so please be on the lookout for more information. I love each of you and this year will be great with new additions and also our first book club meeting this year. Again, I say please let your Beta light shine and continue to grow with our sisters. Biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Phiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Tasha Newman Tasha Newman Alpha Alpha Chapter President 2