Best Practices for Protecting Your Small or Medium Size Business from Best Practices for Protecting Your Small or Medium | Page 13

Unique Phishing Sites Detected, 4Q2017-1Q2018 120,000 100,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 0 Oct 2017 Nov 2017D ec 2017J an 2018F eb 2018 Mar 2018 Conclusion Whether it’s email phishing, spear phishing, and whaling attacks, malicious emails are not going away. You know you need to protect your employees, your data and your customers. The challenge is to do it effectively, with as little interruption to your business as possible, and at price that fits your budget. In this post we have covered ten best practices you can start implementing immediately. When it comes to protecting your SMB against email attacks, an investment in anti-phishing technology does fall under the category of an ounce of prevention. Isn’t it time to make that investment? 95% of all attacks on enterprise networks are the result of successful spear phishing - SANS Institute Best Practices for Protecting Your Small or Medium Size Business from Phishing 13