Best Practices For Conducting Multinational Clinical Trials | Page 5

Important considerations before conducting a clinical trial in Asia ยป Despite the increasing similarities between the US and European countries, which have been conducting clinical trials for decades, and Asian countries, which have been conducting clinical trials for only the last 15-20 years, there are still varying levels of experience, particularly in countries like Vietnam where such experience is limited as compared to Korea or Taiwan. However, with experienced CRO partners, such as Clinipace Worldwide, these considerations can be accounted for and incorporated into the early development of the trial protocol, saving considerable time and expense and allowing expansion of clinical trial activities into these high-growth areas. Figure 4. Considerations Before Conducting a Clinical Trial Protocol development Historically, trial protocols were developed in the US and Europe for US and European-based studies, and these protocols were then applied, as is, in Asia. In the interest of accommodating these protocols, a number of Asian countries attempted to follow what had been developed elsewhere (>10 years ago). With the growth of local pharmaceutical and biotech companies in the Asian region during the last 5 years, protocols reflecting regional requirements are now being developed locally, and protocols developed elsewhere without specific Asian considerations are no longer readily accepted. Sponsors in the US and Europe wishing to conduct multinational trials in Asia should incorporate local Asian requirements in the initial protocol development, rather than as an afterthought. Moreover, each autonomous nation should be considered its own entity with regards to regulations, culture, and ethnicity, rather than the whole of Asia as one homogenous unit. This will ultimately save time in the approval process and facilitate proactive solutions to considerations Protocol development Specific regulatory considerations by country Timelines Standard of care Data quality Recruitment Pharmacokinetics/dosing such as local standard practices, comparator availability, and dosing requirements. Specific regulatory considerations by country In China, active management of regulatory affairs is particularly important; the application process involves a number of regulatory bodies at various levels of the central and local governments. Separate Good Clinical Practices (GCP), Good Laboratory Practices (GLP), and Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) standards must also be accommodated. 4