BEST ONLINE DOG TRAINING COURSE Brain Training for Dogs Review | Page 2
Brain Training for Dogs Review: About the
Course Creator
Adrienne Farricelli is a CPDT-KA certified dog trainer. She implements a program that
emphasizes tapping into your dog’s own natural intelligence. It’s no secret that dogs are
highly intelligent animals and Adrienne appeals to this by using techniques that
encourage learning. The theory behind the work is that once your dog knows what to
expect from you, it’s easier to form a symbiotic relationship.
Adrienne’s course focuses primarily upon force-free dog training. This means exactly
what it sounds like. In force-free training, there’s no external punishment applied in the
form of a painful shock, shouting, or other outwardly intimidating factor. Instead, the
stress is removed from the dog and he’s encouraged to participate in training because
he wants to rather than because he has to.
This is a great alternative to getting frustrated and scaring your dog. By removing the
barrier of fear and intimidation, your dog instead is working to actively please you and to
produce those results. This means that he will remember what makes you happy and do
his best to emulate it in the future.
There’s a lot of competition in the dog training world. In dog training, you never want to
learn from someone who’s overly strict and dismissive. Any good dog trainer needs to
have a healthy dose of compassion and love for our animals if they’re to achieve the
best results. Many dog trainers use different methods, but Adrienne’s is different from
the majority in many beneficial ways.
For one thing, she’s stimulating your dog’s natural intelligence instead of simply
appealing to his instincts. Likewise, she places a lot of emphasis on trying to understand