Best of Internal Voices 2013 | Page 11


There was no theme to 2013. To round off our calendar, I present you with two articles that on the face of it share zero common ground, but at a closer look nonetheless – and entirely fitting to the lingering NYE hangover - both latch on to the idea of future prospects. As young people we inherit the burden of our past, yet are inherently blessed with the tools to change the future – our youthful outlook, our uncompromising will to follow our dreams are not to be underestimated. It is evident that a lot has changed, but is it enough? My predecessor Johanna Lillqvist seized the opportunity on International Youth Day to interview United Nations Secretary-General's Envoy on Youth, Ahmad Alhendawi, and discussed the pressing challenges that young people are facing today.

While indeed, as Mr Alhendawi puts it, “we need a healthy, well educated, able young future”, the future unmistakably begins with the present. It is always vital that we, armed with a critical eye, reflect on whether we are moving towards the right direction in an age defined by social media activism. Matthieu Vervynckt offers a critical revaluation of contexts in which 'values' serve as weapons in Gay Imperialism and the Clash of Ignorance, unchaining a fiery debate which leaves much food for thought. Will these reflections provide us with a new type of promise for the future?

Let's see what January brings us.

Beilinda Li

Editor Theme section

December 2013