Best In Travel Arachova 2018 | Page 55

των προϊόντων αποτελούν βασικό στόχο της εταιρείας, η οποία επεκτείνει και εκσυγ- χρονίζει τις εγκαταστάσεις της για να ικανο- ποιήσει τον αυξανόμενο όγκο παραγωγής. Σημαντική είναι η εξαγωγική της δραστη- ριότητα στις βαλκανικές χώρες, την Κύπρο, την Τουρκία και τη Γαλλία, εξετάζοντας νέες συνεργασίες και περαιτέρω διείσδυση σε άλλες αγορές του εξωτερικού. Η Νιτσιάκος δεν αποτελεί τυχαία τη μεγαλύτερη ελληνική εταιρεία παραγωγής και διανομής λευκών κρεάτων, αφού η στρατηγική απόφασή της να αναπτύξει την αυτάρκειά της και να δημι- ουργήσει την κάθετη γραμμή παραγωγής της καθρεφτίζει τόσο την πράσινη πολιτική που εφαρμόζει από την αρχή της ίδρυσής της όσο και την ποιότητα και τη νοστιμιά των προϊόντων της. network for fresh pieces of rabbit and turkey for the first time in Greece, it produced flour for the bakery industry, it exported greek flour to countries abroad and it introduced and traded a new, economical and environmentally friendly biomass type from sunflow- er skin. At the same time, the outward orientation and the constant investments in the expansion of the variety of products constitute the main goal of the company, which is expanding and modernizing its facilities in order to be able to manage the rising pro- duction volume. Its export activities in the Balkans, Cyprus, Turkey and France have reached a significant amount, while it is also planning new co-operations and further penetration into other markets abroad. Nitsiakos is the biggest greek production and dis- tribution company in the sector of white meat not without good reason, since its strategic decision to develop its self-sufficiency and create its own vertical production system reflects the green policy it has been following since its establishment and the quali- ty and tastiness of its products. The course of constant development, the new in- vestments and the products with their characteristic flavour and high nutritional value are the reasons why Th. Nitsiakos AVEE maintains its position at the top of the greek food industry. Innovation, co-op- erations and developmental business plans are all features that characterize the company since 1972 when it was first founded in Bizani of Ioannina and that were the catalysts for the upturn that followed! Currently, the company has left its own mark in greek production in the poultry farming sector and is now the biggest greek company for chicken production and distribution in Greece. The biggest part of the production takes place in Bizani, while the vision of owner Theodoros Nitsiakos has travelled all the way to Arta, Serres, Thessaloniki and Voiotia! Almost half a century after its establishment, Th. Nitsiakos AVEE is a specialized company in the sector of poul- try farming that is constantly developing its field of operation, since it has also entered the market of dry food for domestic animals, it created a production 55