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Best Hotels Management Courses in Delhi
Nutrients are small particle present in every food to give us strength & stamina, fights with
germs help to grow, work as a shock absorber etc. Now the question is why nutrients are so
important for our body, to understand the fact we should know about nutrient in details
which is given below in my article My articles will help those students who are pursuing Best
Hotels management courses in Delhi as it is a major topic in their syllabus. Let’s spread
knowledge about it-
Nutrients can be grouped according to
chemical nature source & functions.
Macronutrients &
Micronutrients - Micronutrients are
those nutrients which provides bulk chunk of
energy & helps in metabolic system, whereas
macro nutrients are those which acts as a
supportary system for micro nutrients.
Carbohydrate – Carbohydrate are one of the main classes of nutrients, which supply lion
share of energy, each gram of carbohydrates supplies 4kcal of energy to the body. So it is very
important to have carbohydrate in your daily diet. Major sources of carbohydrates are Cereals,
potato, flesh of sweet fruits, sweet potato, milk etc.
Fat & Oil - Found in big chunk of meats, lards, fish, egg yolk, seeds, nuts, cooking oils
etc. it is composed with glycerol & fatty acids maximum energy we can get from fats also
work as a shock absorber. Each gramme of fat supply 9kcal of energy to human body. These
are concentrated sources of energy.
Protein - Proteins are third major nutrient present in foods. They can found both in animal
& in plant. Protein mainly composed with vital amino acids. Protein consists with elements
such as carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen etc. Egg white, soyabin, pulses, small fish are the
good sources of protein.
Water - Water is an essential part of the body structure. It is a carrier of nutrients &