Best Docs Network Magazine Summer 2013 | Seite 6

I ’ m living my childhood dream as editor-in-chief while providing a fantastic resource to our community to promote
healthy lifestyles .
Editor ’ s Letter

I ’ m living my childhood dream as editor-in-chief while providing a fantastic resource to our community to promote

healthy lifestyles .

HERE IT IS . The much anticipated premier edition of the Best Docs Network Magazine . You have seen us on TV and on the web , now we are in print . As editor-in-chief , I can promise you our goal for this magazine aims to provide you with healthy tips , the latest in medical news and procedures , and to assist you in finding the right doctor that is fit for your needs .

The summer season is about looking and feeling good through health and wellness . In this edition you will find tips to prevent and treat sunburns in our “ Medical Minute ” from our trusted family medicine physician , Dr . Richard Honaker , to keep your skin beamingly beautiful . In addition to radiant skin , bright smiles are sought by many . We have a special feature on a prosthodontist and how he creates dynamic smiles through his dignified approach in advanced dentistry .
You can also find some savory summer recipes from our go-to chef , Chef Kevin . Recipes include flavorful selections such as the tasty fish tacos or light and fit lettuce cups with quinoa pilaf , perfect for serving at an outdoor gathering on the back patio .
Next on the list is feeling good . Sometimes diet and exercise are not enough to achieve the desired weight loss goals . Featured in this edition is a patient ’ s story on how she explores options for medically assisted weight loss that changed her life for the better .
With migraines affecting more than 37 million Americans , one DFW doctor developed his own procedure to effectively treat migraines . We include a feature about the Reed Procedure and how it helps people say goodbye to migraines , for good .
Also being featured in every issue , we have provided our Best Docs directory in an effort to help you through a process in which many people find themselves wondering where to begin . This is where you will find more than just a name listed in the yellow pages . Plus , all of our featured doctors come to life on our YouTube Channel and every Sunday on the Best Docs Network show .
Here ’ s to a happy and healthy summer .
Brit Crew Editor-in-Chief
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