Best Cellulite Treatment - 5 Keys To Kill Your Cellulite Best Cellulite Treatment - 5 Keys To Kill Your Cel | 页面 5

between them , creating ripples on the skin ’ s surface — a . k . a . cellulite .
Women are more likely than men to have cellulite , since they have fewer and less tightly arranged septae . Women also have thinner skin , as well as hormones that can affect the size of fat cells and the strength of the septae .
To truly eliminate the problem , says dermatologist Molly Wanner , an instructor at Harvard Medical School , “ you would have to get rid of the fat and , essentially , change the interior structure of the skin .”
In order to make your lower-body smooth , tight and attractive , there are 5 steps to follow .
You cannot get rid of the dimples and shadows ( cellulite ) by rubbing an odd gel , weird lotion or goopy cream on your trouble zones and problem spots .
So , stop using them – as some can actually make your cellulite worse .
Despite the fact that there are dozens of supposed ‘ cellulite reduction creams ’ on the market , there is no possible way for any one of them , no matter how

between them , creating ripples on the skin ’ s surface — a . k . a . cellulite .

Women are more likely than men to have cellulite , since they have fewer and less tightly arranged septae . Women also have thinner skin , as well as hormones that can affect the size of fat cells and the strength of the septae .

To truly eliminate the problem , says dermatologist Molly Wanner , an instructor at Harvard Medical School , “ you would have to get rid of the fat and , essentially , change the interior structure of the skin .”

In order to make your lower-body smooth , tight and attractive , there are 5 steps to follow .

5 Keys To Kill Cellulite Key 1

You cannot get rid of the dimples and shadows ( cellulite ) by rubbing an odd gel , weird lotion or goopy cream on your trouble zones and problem spots .

So , stop using them – as some can actually make your cellulite worse .

Despite the fact that there are dozens of supposed ‘ cellulite reduction creams ’ on the market , there is no possible way for any one of them , no matter how