Beryl Insurance Recovery | Page 3

The Texas Lawbook

absence , the government would be expected to provide . The process can be daunting , and strict time limits apply ( though they are usually extended ). A successful applicant can see FEMA reimburse most of the eligible costs for emergency protective measures and permanent restoration costs . FEMA does not , however , pay business interruption losses and aid recipients must reimburse FEMA for any benefits that are duplicated by insurance . Knowing the Stafford Act and its regulations is key to obtaining and maintaining a FEMA recovery .
14 . Seek Resolution — It Will Better Position You Whether Your Claim Settles or Not
Claims that are well thought out and well documented usually yield better outcomes than ones that are not . Ask for advances as losses are submitted . After doing that , work towards resolving the claim . If the claim is promptly paid , then you are on your way to recovery . If not , then you may be well positioned to pursue a bad faith claim if the insurer acted unreasonably .
Vince Morgan , partner , has helped clients obtain billions of dollars in insurance proceeds and other recoveries . He represents corporate policyholders in complex insurance coverage matters related to all types of policies , including commercial property and business interruption , reps and warranties , CGL , cyber , professional and fiduciary liabilities , D & O , E & O , environmental , trade credit and intellectual property .
Suzanne Day , senior counsel , negotiates substantial insurance recoveries and litigates against major insurers under commercial and excess general liability , property and business interruption , professional and fiduciary , D & O , E & O , environmental and pollution , representations and warranties , and marine cargo policies . She also advises on and litigates additional insured and other contractual indemnity provisions that maximize the protection of corporate revenue .
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