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Just like us, dogs benefit from a healthy and balanced diet. An unhealthy diet can result in obesity, poor health and a shortened life, as well our dogs are more likely to take longer to recover from illness’. There are six different components that dogs require; carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals and water. Food companies work very hard to ensure all of these are incorporated in the food they are selling. The most important component is protein. Puppies need high quantities of protein to help them properly develop, therefore it is so important that you take your dog’s diet seriously as you can be affecting their health. Protein helps build, maintain and recover muscles, organs, bones, body tissue, hair and nails. If dogs don’t have enough protein in their diet it can result in anemia, growth and muscle problems and dry fur.

Another component in their diet is fat. Not only is fat your dog’s main source of energy but it’s needed to maintain healthy skin, eyes, brain and coat.

Carbohydrates are another source of energy for your dogs. 30 to 60% of your dog’s body is made up of carbohydrates, so it’s essential to ensure they’re incorporated in your dog’s diet.

Vitamins and minerals are essential to keep your dog healthy, they boost your dog’s immune system and act as an alternative medicine.

Water is so important within your dog’s diet; dogs should always have access to a clean fresh water day and night. You shouldn’t take your dogs water away at night as it keeps them hydrated, regulates body temperature, helps get rid of bacteria and transports oxygen.

Human food is also known for being good for our dogs too. For example, blueberries contain properties that reduce risk of cancer, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant elements. As well Omega 3 fatty acids have been proven to decrease the chances of cardiovascular disorders, kidney disease and arthritis. Furthermore, it is also good for dog who suffer with skin problems.

Here at Bertie’s Boutique, we ensure all our homemade treats are as healthy as possible for your dogs.

Dog Nutrition