Berry Street Web Docs CEO's Report 2009 | Page 7

2 . Governance
The Board met 10 times in 2009 . Laurinda was re-elected President for her 3 rd term , Neil Coventry was re-elected as Vice- President for his 3 rd term and Paul Wappett was elected Vice-President . Janine Kirk retired ( July ) after 12 years and Lyn Allison ( March ) joined the Board . All Board members completed a Register of Directors ‟ Interests and Declaration of Good Character . Our Aboriginal Strategic Plan 2009-2012 was developed with clear goals and an action plan outlining our commitment to Aboriginal people . We also undertook a census of the numbers of Aboriginal people accessing our service and gathered information about our compliance with the Aboriginal Placement Principle , Cultural Support Plans and reviewed our links with Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations . In May , the Board and Executive Management Team ( EMT ) met for a day and a half to for its annual workshop to focus on : reviewing the 2008 / 09 Business Plan and develop priorities for the 2009 / 10 Business Plan ; knowledge management and advocacy ; managing growth ; and how we position Berry Street in the changing environment . Existing Board Committees – Finance and Investment and Quality & Safety ( now Quality and Risk Management ) continued to meet and a new Governance Committee was established in December . The Marketing was put on hold and the Education Committee was discontinued . The Board heard from Trusted Impact about their review of our sensitive information and Caroline Carroll regarding Forgotten Australians . Thirteen staff were involved in Board discussions / presentations and the Board met at the new Eaglemont office . The majority of the Executive Management Team attended at least one Board meeting . A review was undertaken of our procurement systems and a commitment in principle to an Internal Audit process . The Board sought Freehills ‟ advice and considered whether it was appropriate to transfer to the Corporations Act and decided to stay with the Associations Incorporation Act . The Chief Executive Officer provided comprehensive monthly reports that included items for discussion / decision ; items for information ; and operational issues . Board meeting minutes ( once confirmed and confidential items removed ) were posted on the Intranet .
Major issues discussed at the Board included : CEO ‟ s 2008 Report ; 2009 / 10 Budget ; 2009 / 10 Business Plan ; independent income ; Bushfire response and case management service ; results of our 2 nd Employee Opinion Survey ; quality & risk management issues ; governance issues ; Out of Home Campaign & Framework for Protecting Australia ‟ s Children ; Ethical Investment Policy ; Aboriginal Strategic Plan and Action Plan ; Foundations for Practice ; Compliance issues ; Forgotten Australians Service & Apology ; Anita ‟ s Churchill Fellowship ; foster care recruitment and retention ; the Ombudsman ‟ s Report on Child Protection ; and free discussion time in May .