Berry Street Web Docs Annual Report 2016 | Page 36

A family's struggle 35 The Morris family sought family therapy EHFDXVHWKHKLJKOHYHORIFRQ̭LFWZLWKWKHLU 14 year old daughter, Heidi, had reached a breaking point. Heidi was self-harming and attacking her siblings. Our counsellor worked with the family over three months. Initially the focus was on providing a safe place where family members could share what was happening from their point of view. Although some of the conversations were painful, they could also be healing. Heidi felt heard and the narrative of Heidi as ‘the problem child’ began to change. After three months, the family found a new sense of RSWLPLVPDQGIHOWFRQ̬GHQWWRZRUNWKURXJK any issues that might arise. BERRY STREET