Berry Street Web Docs Annual Report 2016 | Page 26

S matthew’s story Matthew was 16 when he was referred to us after many years of parental drug and alcohol abuse, sexual abuse and neglect. At the time of his referral, Matthew was an inpatient in hospital because of his strong suicidal ideation and self-harm. We knew moving to a residential home and leaving the ‘security’ of the hospital would be very challenging for Matthew. In the early days, he would cover his face with his hair or jumper or hide under the table. Ben and Joan, two of our residential care workers, persevered when he rejected them and slowly built up Matthew’s trust. $IWHUWZRPRQWKV0DWWKHZVWDUWHGWRFDOOWKHXQLWKRPHFRXOGMRNHZLWKVWD̫DQG WHOOWKHPZKHQKHIHOWEDG:KHQKHIHOWVDIHIRUWKH̬UVWWLPHLQKLVOLIH0DWWKHZ started to explore his sense of self and identity. He joined a local drama group, began a part-time job and returned to school on a part-time basis after a threeyear break. While Matthew is likely to continue to experience worrying times because of his mental health issues, he now understands himself so much EHWWHUDQGIHHOVFRQ̬GHQWDVNLQJIRUKHOS 25 As Ben said, “Matthew has grown incredibly over his time at Berry Street and has become a strong, independent and very capable young person. We are all so proud of how much he has achieved.” BERRY STREET