Berry Street Web Docs Annual Report 2010 | Page 2

A message from the 1 President and CEO In our 133rd year, Berry Street continued to grow, to respond to new challenges and to make a significant contribution to the lives of thousands of Victorian children, young people and families. The core of our work will always be to do what we can and need to do, to ensure all children have a good childhood, growing up feeling safe, nurtured and with hope for the future (our Vision). Building on the work of Take Two, our therapeutic service, we are developing much greater understanding of the traumatic impact of violence, abuse and neglect and how we can help children and young people to heal. But we want to do more. We intend to strengthen our public policy advocacy to help create better systems and policies to both prevent abuse and neglect, and ensure better responses. 3. A strong public policy agenda based on five themes:- childhood belongs to children; safety is not enough; no place for violence; fairness and equity for families; and two ways together – supporting Aboriginal families. 4. Developing a platform to build and share knowledge about child trauma – to help prevent child abuse and neglect and ensure that children get the right help to recover. We are proud of everything we have been able to achieve together so far and thank everyone – our Board, staff, carers, volunteers and supporters – for their contribution and willingness to work with us. We are also excited about this next chapter of the ‘Berry Street Story’. No doubt it will be an interesting ride, and we look forward to sharing it with you. Our new Strategic Directions has four key priorities: 1. Growing our independent income – to enable us to pilot new programs, evaluate what we’re doing and develop the evidence and tools for effective advocacy. 2. A focus on service innovation – piloting new programs where there are gaps and building on our existing work. Laurinda Gardner President Sandie de Wolf, AM Chief Executive Officer