Bermuda Parent Bermuda Parent Winter 2016 | Page 18

big kids BY TINA OUTERBRIDGE, SOMERSFIELD ACADEMY Homework Versus Home Learning When Somersfield Academy’s Head of School, Carlos Symonds suggested the switch from “Homework’ to “Home Learning”, it was a natural fit for what I already believed to be true. The educational philosophy at Somersfield is one that believes in teaching the whole child by enthusing students to search for the “whys”. M aking meaningful connec- tions outside of the four walls of the classroom is something that I cannot emphasize enough. Dr. Maria Montes- sori believed that children should be so inspired and motivated by school activity and presentations, that their 16 interest naturally carries over to after school hours. Given the opportunity, she believed that children will naturally create their own projects and challenge themselves. As an educator and a parent I can commiserate with the struggles that many families face with regards to homework. I often wondered why children were not making any ad- vancements in areas that I assigned as homework, and why so many parents were complaining about the amount of stress it caused at home? How could this be happening when as a teacher I care- fully planned, organized and prepared