Bermuda Parent Bermuda Parent Winter 2016 | Page 15

The First of its Kind A bilingual story book for kids Bilingual English Spanish ish vocabulary to Primary age children in a fun way. These vocabulary words are ones that can be used in every-day life,” says Mrs. Darling Mrs. Resnik has always wanted to publish a children’s’ book, and saw this as the perfect opportunity. “Silvia and I talked about it, we did our research – looking online and in the library - and decided to go forward with writing the story. The book came together easily and was fun to create.” So far they say their self-published book has been well received. It’s currently being sold on the island at the Bookmart in Brown & Co., the Bermuda Bookstore, Caesar’s Pharmacy in Somerset and Robertson’s Drugstore in St. Georges. “Sam and Ben on the Farm” can also be purchased online through and Barnes & Noble. T wo friends combined their writing and marketing talents to create a fun-filled children’s book. “Sam and Ben on the Farm” is a bilingual story written by Alicia Resnik and Silvia Darling. The book is written in English with Spanish vocabulary and pronunciation. “Look over here Sam, this is Helen. She’s a special Peruvian gallina (gah yee nah)….. and these little guys are her baby pollitos (po yee tos)…. Clo, clo, clo, says Helen. That means thank you,” says Ben. (page 12 of Sam and Ben on the Farm) The picture book follows the boys’ adven- tures, as they meet the farm animals and learn to speak Spanish. “In addition to the story, we have included Hispanic traditions,” says Mrs. Darling, who is originally from Peru. Mrs. Resnik and Mrs. Darling say they were inspired to write the book because they haven’t seen anything like this currently being sold on the market. They chose the names ‘Sam’ and ‘Ben’ because of their own sons who have been friends since they met 8 years ago when they were in the same class at Somersfield Academy. “The objective of the book is to teach Span- 13