Bermuda Parent Bermuda Parent Winter 2013 | Page 41

can afford the cost of adoption or the purchase price, giving a pet can be a gift the family will appreciate. Health & Fitness: Children with pets tend to be more involved in activi- ties such as chores, sports, hobbies, and clubs. This will produce better health and exercise causing them to be physi- cally active. Self Esteem: Owning a pet enhanc- es positive self-esteem in children which is a great benefit as they interact with their peers in school. Companionship: Ani- mals provide social sup- port and companion- ship to everyone. Many people think giving a pet as a present during the holiday season is a great way to put a smile on a face of someone who feels lonely. However, when giving a pet in the hopes it will provide companion- ship, be sure to find a pet that’s known for liking attention, such as a cat, and not a pet that doesn’t require much care or appreciate the attention. The Cons Allergies: Allergies must be con- sidered for the families health. If your family have never been exposed to a cat before, visit a friend who has one or spend some time at the shelter to make sure no one suffers from allergies. Returning a cat because of al- lergies is hard on the cat and the child. Timing: Is your family ready for a pet? Not all families are ready for a pet. Parents who want to add a pet to their home should con- sider if the timing is right. Your home has to be guarded and protected much like baby-proofing. Also, becom- ing responsible for another member in the home has to be considered as well. Getting a pet for Christmas is a nice gesture, but if the family is not prepared nor willing to take responsibility for the animal than, now is not a good time to add another member into the home. Choice: Pets are a big responsibility and choosing the right pet can make a difference. The child should help decide what kind of pet they should have but it should also be the family member’s choice as well. Jodi says, “It should be a family discussion, but we as parents are the responsible ones. Lots of research on what animal will be best suited to your family’s needs.” She adds: “You can turn the whole experience into an extraordinary expe- rience. By involving the whole family you and your child will have a pet that can be the most memorable part of their lives as well as rescuing an animal from the shelter.“ Keep the athlete in you healthy! Pure Water is great tasting and an environmentally responsible choice. Your body loses water during the day, so it is essential to replenish it to get proper hydration to maintain your best mental and physical performance. mom and dad, did you know Pure Water costs less when collected at our plant! Taste the Pure Difference 32 Parsons Lane, Devonshire Tel: 236-1288 Fax: 236-7784/299-2837 E-mail: [email protected] A Division oF Bermuda WaterWorks LImIted 39