Lori Samson, Chair of Chubb Founda-
tion-Bermuda. “The Museum Playhouse
and Playground have not only provided
a fun, adventurous and educational
experience for our local children to
connect with Bermuda’s history, but the
project also restored a historic building
and is a wonderful addition to Bermu-
da’s cultural tourism and family educa-
tion resources.”
Using over 15 interactives, the
Playhouse explores aspects of Bermu-
da’s maritime history in original, fun
and unexpected ways and incorporates
artwork from local artists. Through
play, toddlers to pre-teens can learn
about topics such as historic com-
munication on board ship, pilot gigs,
gombeys, the building of the Royal
Naval Dockyard, Bermuda’s agricul-
tural heyday, and learning how to tie
nautical knots on a giant sailor’s beard
made of rope. “It’s interactive, it’s fun
and they are learning skills while play-
ing,” said one visiting mother of two.
“We’ll be coming back!”
“There is nothing like it on the
Island: The Playhouse is fun, creatively
designed and aimed to encourage
family learning and foster an appre-
ciation of our rich local history at an
early age,” says NMB Executive Direc-
tor Elena Strong. “Today, children are
bombarded with tablets and other high
tech gadgets so we purposefully avoided
electronic interactives and sought
inspiration from old fashioned games.
However, there is nothing old fashioned
about this exhibit.”
“Chubb Foundation-Bermuda
(formerly Ace Foundation-Bermuda)
is pleased to support the work of the
National Museum of Bermuda,” said