Bermuda Parent Bermuda Parent Summer 2015 | Seite 19
I determined was going to be different. Being so much
older didn’t hurt either - (I remember turning 40 and feel-
ing unapologetically me).
So this time I had a doula - Fiona Dill who I met at her
workshop: Birth Matters. If you think, as I once did that
doula’s are some hippy notion that doesn’t work, well on
this, I couldn’t have been more wrong. I would strongly
recommend anyone planning to give birth have a doula.
In fact, I would go so far as to say I don’t know why anyone
would want to do this without one! She gave me the con-
fidence in my body like I had never known before, con-
fidence in the birth process that I had never even known
possible. The confidence to ask for what I wanted (and
outright demand it while I was in labour lol). She explained
to me I could do this and exactly why I could do it while still
being open minded that it may not go the way I hoped and I
may still need to have pain relief. I had the best possible natu-
ral experience of my life and Ezrah was born (in the hospital
without pain medication me labouring on my knees leaning
on the bed) in about an hour and a half tops.
My doula was my epidural. Yes it hurt but I was able to
understand that it was
productive pain lead-
ing me somewhere
good - I was able to
move around. I was able
to position myself the
way I needed to and let
my body do the work it
needed to do to deliver
the 11 pounds of joy
that is my baby. I have
never been more proud
of myself and in my
ability to let go of all the
past fears and trust the
process. Having epidur-
als each time I just had
no idea how different recovery would be. The benefits are
plenty but somewhat of an overshare so just trust me when
I say its waaaaaaaaaay better in every way: the best being the
milk arriving fast and baby being so contented. I really sur-
prised myself. I am so moved and will always be grateful for
this experience. It’s been truly life changing for me”.
For more information on Fiona Dill and Birth Matters visit
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